Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Heart

My heart needs time to heal. It is amazing to me how the heart can love and hurt so much at the same time. I have been through relationships that nobody will ever understand what i felt. The heart doesn't lie.. there have been so many times where i have to taken a step back to try and understand why a love for someone can stay in the heart.. even after they put it through so much pain. I do know that there are so many different types of love.. there is a love that burns for the times it is touched, there is a permanent love for loved ones, there is a love that hurts, and lastly there is a love that lifts you up and takes your breath away. I know this because I have felt them all.. I have learned from them all and I am grateful. For love is patient..we should be also...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... With Love, Danny....................XOXO


  1. this is such a beautiful post :)
    i absolutely love it.
    and i adore your blog.
    and the music on it.

    so cute.

  2. Thank you! thats so sweet of you, I really appreciate it!
